H.M.S ILLUSTRIOUS SEMI-KIT 1/96 Scale. This is a semi- scale model of the W.W.11 Aircraft Carrier with a hull length of 93" and a beam of 15". Moulded in fibreglass the hull includes all plating and port detail, armour belt. boat stowage openings, outriggers, and sponsons. A further set of fibreglass mouldings includes the bridge island and the funnel. This is a proven hull since she entered the world endurance record attempt held in Stevenage in 1987, where she was nicknamed the "Battle barge" by those who came across her mighty bows. A set of fittings is produced for this model.
HISTORY. One of a class of four fleet Aircraft carriers completed in 1939-1940. With an overall length of 753 ft on a dispacement of 23,000 tons the turbines of 110,000 S.H.P. gave a speed of 31, knots. Armed with 16 x 4.5" guns and many smaller A.A. guns, she also carried about 45 aircraft. In November of 1940 she took part in the famous raid on Taranto, releasing her aircraft to torpedo the Italian Battleships in their base. Three of them and a cruiser were badly damaged. She is best remembered for her service in the Mediterranean, especially the desperate Malta convoys. Later in the war she played a major part against the Japanese in the Far east.