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Topic Summary

Posted by: rondean
« on: 07 November 2024, 11:29:24 »

A prototype model that has been in store has to go as we need the space. The RIVA  launch was a prototype model, not a made from timber, but a rather special way of producing a lightweight detailed model. The timber and planking was all laid in reverse in to the mould, then the glass fibre was moulded inside. When the moulding was removed, the timber and planking was polished and varnished and detailed, even the cushions on the sun bed are real cushions. Performance is excellent, tough and long lived as any glass fibre boat. It never went in to full production as such it was far to expensive with highly skilled labour costs. Probably you will never see another one,  Model come complete with motor speed controller a real stunner.See it at our open days on Sat 21st Dec
Price £395.00
Deans Marine
 see it in action here on you tube