I enjoyed building HMS Verulam she was a bit more difficult than the previous HMS Solebay. However I enjoy the little challanges the biggest one was the ballast. I usually check the ballast during the build proccess however this tim I decided to ballast to the figure quoted in the online shop of 3.3kilos.. When I placed the ship in the Admiralty test tank (Bath) I hd to be quick to prevent the ship turning Turtle. Because the ship was complete I could not add ballast inside the hull I added it on the bottom of the hull and sealed it with fibre glass.
This proved tobe successful the ship now sits comfortably on the water with a roll from 45 degrees of 3 seconds. I am pleased with this ship and would recommend I makes an attractive model when painted in Eastern Fleet colours.
The next ship I will Build will be HMS Manxman , however this will need to wait a few months as I have a number of ships to fix or update for club members, mostly Electrics when you open the up its lik looking at a Plate of Spagetti. I hope pictures and Information will help others.