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Sell your Model / Re: END OF LINE S.T SISAPON
« Last Post by rondean on 09 February 2025, 09:51:41 »
 plans have not changed, still the same ship not sue what more you want ?
Customers Builds / Re: SS Falcon
« Last Post by swiftdoc on 06 February 2025, 20:14:04 »
Hi Colin, how nice to hear from you!
Yes, I enjoy the build very much. I spend an hour or so nearly each evening in the workshop when the rest of the family are watching TV….
I just have finished the funnel :)
Customers Builds / Re: SS Falcon
« Last Post by colin on 06 February 2025, 11:01:31 »
very nice Arno, hope you have fun building the Falcon
Customers Builds / Re: SS Falcon
« Last Post by swiftdoc on 04 February 2025, 21:35:36 »
Some more photos of the actual state of the build:

The coupling is a Misumi one, a Japanese brand. Linkage is from Conrad, using a 2 mm threaded rod.

The white metal skeg that comes with the kit was replaced by one made of brass profile.
Sell your Model / wanted 1:96 westland wasp or scout
« Last Post by paul birkett on 03 February 2025, 13:23:46 »
would anyone know of any detailed scouts or wasps please in 1:96?
Customers Builds / Re: SS Falcon
« Last Post by swiftdoc on 02 February 2025, 13:14:07 »
I have installed a Bühler brushed motor which runs at 12 V. On the photo you can see a template for the coupling which i turned on the lathe to make sure it is well aligned later. The rudder servo is a micro size one from KST.

After a bath tub test I took the hull to our club pond in order to check if it would be sufficient to run her at a 2S LiPo. It will have to be a 3S LiPo though for the motor. I was quite surprised that she nearly can turn on the spot, probably due to the big rudder. After that test I returned home very happy, knowing that from now on I can focus on detailing, being sure that the running gear is O.K.

The hull is beautifully made, with lots of details moulded in, such as the plating :) ^^^
Customers Builds / SS Falcon
« Last Post by swiftdoc on 02 February 2025, 12:59:33 »
Having nearly finished my semi scratch build of the Shannon class lifeboat (it took me 5 years...), I have started building the SS Falcon kit. When I told my friend Alan who lives in St Margarets at Cliffe about my new project, he told me that the wreck of the real ship still can be seen nowadays at low tide from the cliffs near Dover. So when we visited him last year, I was able to take a picture of the wreck. Alan told me that they used it as a playground when they were kids.

The SS Falcon model is a lot smaller than the 1/12th scale Shannon boat, so it is easier to get into the car boot for sailing with my club mates. But the kit despite the small size shows enough details to be impressive on the water.
General Discussion / Re: 1:96 scale Westland wasp
« Last Post by rondean on 31 January 2025, 16:05:04 »
 There was a 1/96 wasp produced from deans marine drawings  for a kit on shapeways (was) by mark Hawkins, to go on our Tribal class frigate try to find him direct he still has the files
Sell your Model / END OF LINE S.T SISAPON
« Last Post by rondean on 30 January 2025, 13:09:29 »
Clearance sale for the end of the production for the kit  S.T. SISAPON  1/96 SCALE.
 Details of the kit
 Scale 1/96 Length 619mm Beam 102mm Sailing weight 1.06kg       SALE PRICE £95.00

can be seen here on you tubehttps

 Deans Marine
Customers Builds / Re: HMS Solebay
« Last Post by mikearace on 23 January 2025, 13:25:50 »
Very nice looking build
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