Author Topic: Hull Finishing  (Read 6820 times)

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Hull Finishing
« on: 04 November 2007, 10:00:15 »
       HULL FINISHING.     All ref in this section are to Acrylic car spray paints.
1.  Fill and sand around all openings (rudder & Proptube) in the hull until they are faired in smoothly to the hull shape.
2.  Polish the finished hull with very fine wet and dry abrasive with hot water and washing up liquid.
3.  Rinse thoroughly with clean, hot water and allow to dry. (nOT WARM WATER AND WASHING UP LIQUID,, USE A POWERFUL
 CLEANER SUCH AS FLASH FLOOR CLEANER AND HOT WATER, Rinse it off with clean water an allow it to dry. 
4.  Cover the exposed thread on the propeller shaft with masking tape or grease. 
5.  Spray the hull and deck with acrylic primer. 
6.  Mask the deck and spray the hull acrylic dark red.  (Halfords car paint)
7.  Mark the waterline by levelling the hull on a level surface and drawing a line around it with a soft pencil held in a clamp.
    The height of the waterline above the keel is shown on the main plan. 
8.  Mask the hull below the waterline using signwriters' lo-tack masking tape.  Mask all of the hull below this line with newspaper and standard masking tape as needed. 
9.   Spray the hull above the masked line semi- gloss black 
10  Remove the masking tape before the paint dries hard. 
11  Allow to dry hard. 
12  Mask off the entire hull and spray the deck  light grey/blue. 
13. To complete the hull paintwork, paint a thin white line around the hull at the waterline.