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Posted by: rondean
« on: 29 October 2024, 16:12:55 »

Deans Marine test run r c PT 40 HYDROFOIL
Another model that needs to go to clear space in the storeroom, used to have some great fun with this model back in the 70s, So a quick refurb and on sale, That did not work, it took 2 weeks and it fought me all the way, seized up nuts, bolts rusty joints, corroded pins, faulty radio. black wire, corroded shaft, seized prop, it went on forever it seemed.
 It ended up a full refurb, new black motor, new ESC lipo batteries, s/st shaft, and new prop. now runs much better than the original r c fit out as much lighter and less top hamper. Up for sale but may keep it a bit longer so much fun to drive.
 £395.00  Not incl radio, collect only or see it at our xmas open day 21 Dec
 see it in action on you tube here