Author Topic: HMS Illustrious.  (Read 380189 times)

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Offline paul swainson

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #30 on: 12 February 2014, 15:18:20 »
Yes Joe, will have a couple, will be getting them from Deans as I have not been able to find any 1/100 scale models so far.

Offline radio joe

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #31 on: 12 February 2014, 16:50:31 »
Yes know what you mean Paul, you can get most anything in 1:48 and 1:72 but hardly anything in 1:100 but the Deans stringbag looks OK. Joe.

Offline paul swainson

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #32 on: 21 February 2014, 10:58:47 »
OK I have made a start on the model, have ordered my hull and should be ready next week.  But while copying the center isle plans for the 4 decks I found on C Deck a position called the "Conning Bridge" and I am at a lost as to what this is.   It looks like a walk way that could extend from the centre island, or it could be fixed with a walk way.   I have not been able to find any reference to this on the internet and what does turn up is a conning tower for subs, or a control bridge area on difference ships for navigation.   Can any one with Navy experience help.  Paul 

Offline radio joe

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #33 on: 21 February 2014, 11:47:32 »
Hi Paul,  The conning bridge or conning tower, means a place where the officer of the watch conducts or controls the operations of the vessle, hence the term, I have the con, or I am conducting operations, or I am in control, I believe the word con or conn comes from the word Conduct. Joe.

Offline mikearace

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #34 on: 21 February 2014, 20:25:30 »
Paul most of the pre war carriers including Furious, Glorious, Courageous and Hermes etc there was a conning 'bridge' for navigation that was like a cat walk that during flying and general sailing was closed up against the island but then was swung out from the island across to virtually the middle of the flight deck and was used for control when entering and leaving harbour and general navigating of the ship.  On the Furious classes it was essentially a canvas sided framed walkway type of arrangement.   Whilst I don't think the Illustrious and Implaccable sub classes had the same swing out arrangement I would guess that the Con that is referred to is the open nav con for navigating.   

Offline paul swainson

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #35 on: 21 February 2014, 20:29:04 »
Thanks for that Mike the conning bridge does have a pivot point and would swing out.  Now I know what it is and dose will ensure it is on my model.

Offline paul swainson

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #36 on: 26 February 2014, 17:32:16 »
Hull is now out of the mould and is ready for collection.  That should be with me next week Tuesday or Wednesday.  Have cut out the D deck for the center island and have made a start on the C deck.   I tried to scan the plans for D deck (see attached) and when I printed it off I found the scan had reduce the picture.   Do not under stand how or why, as I thought I was making a straight copy.  The Idea was to trace the out line with tracing paper and transpose the out line to the plastic card with a 0.4mm marker pen to give a nice fine out line.  Cut and then lay the cut out onto the scan picture with out having to revert to the plans all the time.  This did not work so had to do what I did not want to do.  But the result was OK.   As before I will put all my build pictures on to Flicker and post the link for you all to follow this saves space on the forum, but will post some photos on here for continuity.

Offline paul swainson

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #37 on: 02 March 2014, 14:34:35 »
I have had a very close look at the bridge complex of HMS Illustrious and of her sister ship HMS Victorious and of the whole of the Illustrious class aircraft carriers. I have found the illustrious had a different B deck lay out to the others in her class.   The captains look out did not run all the way round the centre island and in fact stopped just at the front of the bridge area.   The entire photographs I have seen so far and the models have the front captains view platform all the way round.  This in fact is HMS Victorious and then HMS Formidable and Indomitable.  As there are very few actual photos which confirm the view if the captains bridge I will follow the drawings of the Navy and not what others have done.   I have managed to correctly ID the correct photos with the correct ship.   As I am trying to build an accurate copy of the ship up to 1942 when she resumed service after her repairs in the USA in May 1942
So once my supply of large sheets of plastic card arrives will be able to cut out B and A decks and start to put them together and form the centre island. 
« Last Edit: 03 March 2014, 20:56:57 by paul swainson »

Offline Horatio123

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #38 on: 02 March 2014, 18:08:19 »
Hi Paul . Doing research like this is well worth while , I find it almost as much of a challenge a building the model . Look forward to your build , .

Offline radio joe

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #39 on: 02 March 2014, 19:27:04 »
Hi Paul, yes I agree with David, you can't have too much information, but good photos that show details are hard to find, following with interest. Joe.

Offline mikearace

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #40 on: 03 March 2014, 20:41:22 »

In addition to the article in Ships magazine there is a special magazine out in WHS Smiths at the moment on British WWII carriers which includes some very good photos of all the Illustrious and Indefatigable Classes.  Think its 7.99 but packed with a lot of information and great pics.  Might be worth checking out.  Its SHips Illustrated WWII Aircraft Carriers.

Offline paul swainson

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #41 on: 03 March 2014, 20:47:53 »
Thanks Mike will go to my local WHS and see if they have got it.

Offline paul swainson

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #42 on: 04 March 2014, 11:00:31 »
Hi Mike, is this the mag you are on about as WHS in my area do not have it and say its a one time print and not due out until the 25 April.  But I see I can order this on like as a digital copy.

Offline radio joe

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #43 on: 04 March 2014, 18:18:45 »
Hi Paul, Don't know if you've seen this book, British aircraft carriers, design, development, and service histories, by David Hobbs, it was released in Nov 2013, available from .  Joe

Offline mikearace

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Re: HMS Illustrious.
« Reply #44 on: 04 March 2014, 19:48:41 »
that's the one Paul.  Its in my local WH Smiths right now. If your struggling to get one or get the digital copy I am happy to purchase one for you and post on if that's any use?
« Last Edit: 04 March 2014, 20:19:06 by mikearace »