Author Topic: the understanding  (Read 4666 times)

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Offline colin

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the understanding
« on: 05 September 2016, 06:34:23 »
I guess the first thing to sort out would be.... to forget what we have learnt in the past, when in come to channels for example the duel axis sticks would be known as channels 1 to 4..

we need to find a new word for these channels.. how about "impulse generator" these control any impulse required by a Servo/ESC/switching unit or the such likes...

in a computer controlled Transmitter these "impulse generators" can be selected and in the options menu allocated to any of the knobs/switches/sliders or sticks that your Transmitter has.
so for example: forward and revers of the main drive system, could be on a switch or slider or anywhere on your transmitter, it does not have to be on one of the duel axis sticks...

once we have understood this, then there is hundreds of options open..

Some of the Knobs/switches/sliders that your Transmitter has, are already allocated to computer programs (mixers)..
for example Dual rate / Expo / flight phases.. I don't suppose these are terms that every one understand..

Dual rate (DR) = the length of travel a Servo will take, with the Dual rate this can be shortened
Expo (exp) = the speed or sensitivity of the Servo..
flight phases = can switch the motors of, or set them an a permanent speed.. good for Voith Schneider propultion systems

Offline colin

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Re: the understanding
« Reply #1 on: 05 September 2016, 13:18:52 »
some Receivers are no longer labelled with channels 1 to what ever..
more than likely they would be labelled with:
Thro = throttle (normally an ESC)
Rudd = rudder (normally a Servo)
Aile = Aileron (normally a Servo)
Elev = elevator (normally a Servo)
Aux1 = any other type of switching unit or Servo or ESC
Aux2 = any other type of switching unit or Servo or ESC
Aux3 = any other type of switching unit or Servo or ESC
and so forth.....
some computer controlled systems, during the Programming, these output ports on the receiver can be changed around, and allocated to different things
for example: you could allocate the throttle (Forward / Reverse) to the output port of the receiver that says "Elev"

all of these options come down to the first steps of programing your transmitter..!

Offline colin

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Re: the understanding
« Reply #2 on: 06 September 2016, 05:28:52 »
most of the above listed information, is not available in all transmitters...!!

for example Telemetry... which collects information from the model.. maybe the temperature of the motors or the voltage in the main drive battery...

this would be one of the main factors to consider when buying one of these types of transmitters..
I personally have experience using a Spektrum 7s,  and a futaba t10j, these are midrange in price and abilities, they have more than the low end transmitters, but they are not the all singing and dancing transmitters that are available..
a friend down the road has the Graupner MC-20 Hott system.

1. the amount of channels (impulse generators) (outputs on the receiver)
2. amount of free to program mixers
3. amount of models to be saved in the memory

the lowers cost transmitters will probably just have there ready programmable mixers, that could be used.

a small example of how many channels  (impulse generators) (outputs on the receiver) you might require

1. starboard motor ESC
2. port motor ESC
3. maybe a centre motor ESC
4. Rudder
5. maybe a bow thruster ESC
6. maybe a crane to move (up/down)
7. maybe a crane to move (left/ricght)
8. a switch for interior lights
9. a switch for navigation lights
10. a switch for external lights
11. maybe a working winch
12. sound modules
13. Telemetry