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Offline colin

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First Steps
« on: 06 September 2016, 06:42:46 »
when switching the transmitter on...
you will probably see in the Display..
battery voltage of the transmitter
Mode 1, 2, 3 or 4 (throttle on the left or right stick)
model name
model type
fine trim tabs
there could be other information, this would depend of the type of transmitter..

the name and type of model are probably blank, this would be the first thing to do (program)...
give your model a name..
allocate a type of model, this is were the problem starts, you will not find a picture of
a boat, car or truck, you only have the choice of an Aeroplane or Helicopter.. (what do you do)...
for simplicity reasons chose the Aeroplane..
because the basic internal programs (fixed mixers) you can probably use, for example a "V" mixer.. (more later)
the only thing now, because we have chosen Aeroplane, the words or abbreviations used in the Programming will always be associated with the functions of an Aeroplane, so it would be advisable to make a note, or a table;

Thro =
Rudd =
Elev =
Aile =
Gear =
Flap =
Airbrake =
Aux1 =
Aux2 =

because these are the functions that you will probably be mixing

Offline colin

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Re: First Steps
« Reply #1 on: 06 September 2016, 07:43:13 »
just imagine you have programed your transmitter for flying a glider....
as you will see in the attachments, you now have, a total of 9 channels that you can mix..
you have to clear your mind of the fact that it is a glider, just realise 9 servos or ESC's or switches connected to your receiver...
the "V" tail mixer that would be used to control the tail of the glider for Up / Down and Left / Right
could be used for the port and starboard motor in conjunction with the rudder, so as the motors (ESC) slow down / Speed up according to the movement of the rudder..

Offline colin

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« Reply #2 on: 07 September 2016, 07:57:58 »
how about this for an example for mixing...

Setting up 3 turrets to turn the opposite direction of the Rudder, so if the ship turns to the left, all three turrets turn to the right..

the fist picture (mix-1) shows the layout of the test bench..

If for example one of the turrets is mounted facing the opposite direction (Stern mounted as opposed to Bow mounted) you will need to turn the servo around so that the movement of the servo need not be reversed when mixing..

First of all, select an empty memory slot and give it a name, for example name of the ship followed with the word Test, so you know that it’s just a test setup and not for using when sailing the model.
Connect all the servos to the receiver, (without any “Y” cables) rudder connects to the output “Aile” and the turrets to output 5, 6 and 7 for example.
Set all the servos in the servo option menu to zero position (middle)
Once all the basic settings are complete you can then start on the programming of the mixers, for this example a receiver with 8 outputs was used and the transmitter is a Graupner MC20 Hott.
Receiver Outputs;
1 =
2 = Aile = Rudder
3 = Thro = ESC (Main Drive)
4 =
5 = Turret A
6 = Turret B
7 = Turret C

The receiver outputs 5 – 7 are just an example, they can be on any other of the free output ports.!  You could also select a switch so as to switch the function of the mixer on or off

photo mix2a = Mixer 1; Turret A getting allocated to the Rudder
photo mix2b = Mixer 2; Turret B getting allocated to the Rudder
photo mix2c = Mixer 3; Turret C getting allocated to the Rudder

And the results would look like this (photo mix4) when the programing is finished, the model turns left, all three turrets turn right.. and in the last photo you can see this in the opposite direction..