Author Topic: storm damge at deans marine  (Read 2763 times)

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Offline rondean

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storm damge at deans marine
« on: 30 April 2024, 12:38:34 »
HI All
 During the storm and gale force winds last week the test pond at deans marine has been damaged, the winds picked up a pallet and dumped it in to the pond, this ripped the liner and a LOT of water when though  the holes, washing away the sand and base.
 The wind then got under the liner and this acted like a kite and ripped off the decking walkways around the top edge.
 So out of action for a while as we have to remove 10 tons of sand and limestone , filter it all, and put in back in layers a  pack it all down and then fit the new liner.
 While this is going  we will take the time to refurbish the side panels and walkways
For the regulars that use out test pond we thought it best to save you a journey and any club visits planned for the near future
 Updates when we are back in action and sailing and testing can commence.
 Deans Marine

Offline rondean

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Re: storm damge at deans marine
« Reply #1 on: 15 May 2024, 16:37:13 »
HI All
 latest update on the pond a week of good weather at last so we sifted and sorted 9 tons of sand a limestone relaid it all in layers a rolled it flat, new side  walkways all fibreglassed for waterproofing,  A new liner fitted, just let it warm and  stretch in the sunshine it so its level,
then the storm came ? now we have a almost empty pond surround by flood water.
I suppose we can test our models in the car park or the drive now ?
 More update to come.
Silly hobby really
 Deans Marine